Generally most unwanted dirt and debris on glazed products occurs during the construction period. Debris such as masonry dust, cement particles, paint, and tape residue can come into contact with the glass. Keep welding and angle grinders away from glass during the construction process. Cement and concrete are highly alkaline and can cause irreparable damage to the glass surface. All trades must take due care while working near glass. At the time of construction, suitable precautions must be taken to minimize any damage to the glass surface.
It is advised to avoid modifying glass by the addition of a film, tint, privacy, or any other finish not authorised by GP Glass. These modifications are excluded from warranty coverage. This is because certain types of window films can cause damage to certain types of glass. Tinted films increase the thermal stress on the glass, which can lead to cracks.
Viridian Glass offers these recommendations for hand cleaning as a general guide only if you are ever unsure please get in touch with GP Glass.
It should be noted that in addition to the general cleaning guidelines offered, there are specific recommendations for certain glass types. Viridian have detailed particular methods of cleaning in each glass section and listed specific cleaning products for recommended use.